Rabies Fact Sheet
What is rabies?
Rabies is a viral disease affecting the central nervous system. It is transmitted from infected mammals to humans and is 100% fatal once symptoms occur.
Who gets rabies?
All mammals including humans are susceptible to rabies. In Wisconsin, skunks and bats are the most likely animals to carry the rabies virus, although it does occur in dogs, cats, foxes, raccoon, and livestock.
How is rabies spread to humans?
Rabies is almost always contracted by exposure to a rabid animal. The exposure is nearly always through a bite, but rabies can also be transmitted if a rabid animal scratches a person or if its saliva comes into contact with broken skin.
What are the symptoms of rabies?
Early symptoms may include irritability, headache, fever and itching or pain at the exposure site. The disease eventually progresses to spasms of the throat and the muscles used for breathing, convulsions, delirium, paralysis and death. By the time any symptoms appear, rabies cannot be successfully treated.
How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?
The time between exposure and the onset of symptoms is variable, but averages 2-12 weeks in humans. Incubation periods of over one year have been reported.
What is the treatment for exposure to rabies?
The most effective rabies prevention is immediate thorough cleansing of animal bite or scratch wounds with liberal amounts of soap and water. A physician may give the bite victim an injection of rabies immune globulin and five injections of a rabies vaccine administered in the arms as a preventive measure. In most instances, observation or testing of the biting animal will rule out the possibility of rabies. Whenever a bite occurs, ensure that the biting animal is appropriately and legally observed or tested for rabies. If the offending animal can be safely captured without incurring further injury, it is generally advisable to do so, and then hold the animal until the local health department can be consulted. Testing involves dissecting and evaluating brain tissue, so it is important to not traumatize or freeze the head of the biting animal should it pass away. If you suspect you may have been exposed to a rabid animal, contact your physician and local health department immediately! There is no cure for rabies once signs develop.
What can be done to prevent the spread of rabies?
Exposure to rabies may be minimized by eliminating stray dogs and cats, having pet dogs, cats, ferrets, and livestock vaccinated against rabies, and staying away from all wild animals, especially those acting abnormally. Do not keep wild animals as pets. Exclude bats from living quarters by keeping screens in good repair and by closing up any small openings that could allow them to enter.
Persons traveling to developing countries in which rabies is prevalent, or persons who are at ongoing risk of possible rabies exposure, should ask their doctor about receiving PRE-exposure rabies vaccination.
What is rabies?
Rabies is a viral disease affecting the central nervous system. It is transmitted from infected mammals to humans and is 100% fatal once symptoms occur.
Who gets rabies?
All mammals including humans are susceptible to rabies. In Wisconsin, skunks and bats are the most likely animals to carry the rabies virus, although it does occur in dogs, cats, foxes, raccoon, and livestock.
How is rabies spread to humans?
Rabies is almost always contracted by exposure to a rabid animal. The exposure is nearly always through a bite, but rabies can also be transmitted if a rabid animal scratches a person or if its saliva comes into contact with broken skin.
What are the symptoms of rabies?
Early symptoms may include irritability, headache, fever and itching or pain at the exposure site. The disease eventually progresses to spasms of the throat and the muscles used for breathing, convulsions, delirium, paralysis and death. By the time any symptoms appear, rabies cannot be successfully treated.
How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?
The time between exposure and the onset of symptoms is variable, but averages 2-12 weeks in humans. Incubation periods of over one year have been reported.
What is the treatment for exposure to rabies?
The most effective rabies prevention is immediate thorough cleansing of animal bite or scratch wounds with liberal amounts of soap and water. A physician may give the bite victim an injection of rabies immune globulin and five injections of a rabies vaccine administered in the arms as a preventive measure. In most instances, observation or testing of the biting animal will rule out the possibility of rabies. Whenever a bite occurs, ensure that the biting animal is appropriately and legally observed or tested for rabies. If the offending animal can be safely captured without incurring further injury, it is generally advisable to do so, and then hold the animal until the local health department can be consulted. Testing involves dissecting and evaluating brain tissue, so it is important to not traumatize or freeze the head of the biting animal should it pass away. If you suspect you may have been exposed to a rabid animal, contact your physician and local health department immediately! There is no cure for rabies once signs develop.
What can be done to prevent the spread of rabies?
Exposure to rabies may be minimized by eliminating stray dogs and cats, having pet dogs, cats, ferrets, and livestock vaccinated against rabies, and staying away from all wild animals, especially those acting abnormally. Do not keep wild animals as pets. Exclude bats from living quarters by keeping screens in good repair and by closing up any small openings that could allow them to enter.
Persons traveling to developing countries in which rabies is prevalent, or persons who are at ongoing risk of possible rabies exposure, should ask their doctor about receiving PRE-exposure rabies vaccination.